Martial Arts Analysis, pt. 2

Happosai||Cologne||Mousse||Martial Arts Analysis, pt. 3

Happosai Pic


Style: Anything-Goes Martial Arts (Founding School)

Strengths: Happosai is the Anything-Goes Martial Arts founder, so he knows the techniques and philosophy better than anyone. Putting aside his perverse nature, Happosai is a very formidable martial artist. He has years of experience behind him in terms of martial arts skill, and at his best could outfight Ranma, Genma, and Soun all at the same time. Happosai always has a new surprise up his sleeve.

Weaknesses: Two words: beautiful girls. Happosai gets VERY easily distracted from a fight if there are girls around that he can harass. Ranma has taken advantage of this plenty of times - a brassiere here, a pair of panties there - these all can distract Happosai from fighting. A weakness that stems from this is that if he doesn't associate with anything female for a while, he starts to get weak, like an addict in withdrawal of the thing he/she is addicted to.

Special Techniques:

Happo Daikarin (Happosai Burning Fire Blast): Hapoosai remembers this technique one day and begins to use it. It involves the quick making, lighting, and throwing of fuse bombs, which explode when the fuse runs out and which also create a blinding burst of light.

Happo Throw: This technique is based on the tenet of using an opponent's own momentum against them. Happosai instead uses an opponent's anger, as well as their momentum, to throw him/her away.

Happo Battle Aura Blast: This technique employs one's own fighting spirit or "battle aura" as a weapon. Happosai generates this energy/spirit and fires it toward his enemy.

Happo Hermit Crab Fist: Happosai hides under a basin, and, like a hermit crab, attacks his opponent from underneath it.

Happo 5 yen Satsu: Happosai taught this technique to Hinako Ninomiya, so it's natural to assume he can use it. This technique drains an opponent's "battle aura", until they are incapacitated.

Happo Extradimensional Warp (Anime Only): This technique was supposedly developed to peep into girls' changing areas. The technique makes the martial artist invisible and impervious to attack. Unfortunately, the user cannot attack as well.

Happo Beanjam Blowout (Anime Only): Happosai developed this technique to keep other people from getting beanjam, so he could eat it himself. Happosai concentrates and blasts an opponent in the air with a chi-generated tornado.

Okuhida Hurricane/Silky Storm: Happosai created this technique as a means of escape from those he steals panties from. He spins his pipe, and creates a whirlwind of panties in the midst of his opponents, confusing them and covering his escape.

Cologne Pic


Style: Joketsuzoku Fighting

Strengths: Cologne is obviously a very skilled fighter. She has taught many techniques to a couple of the characters in the series, and can still fight like she did when she was young. Most of the secret techniques she has revealed are Chinese Amazon secrets, and she is sure to have plenty more where those came from. Only Happosai could probably be her equal in terms of knowledge of fighting techniques.

Weaknesses: Well, there aren't very many weaknesses. I suppose her age could be a factor, but that hasn't shown yet. She probably is a weaker fighter without her cane, but not that much weaker.

Special Techniques:

Hiryu Shoten Ha (Rising Dragon Hurricane): See entry under Ranma Saotome.

Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken (Chestnut Fist): See entry under Ranma.

Bakusai Tenketsu (Breaking Point/Earth Tremor Attack): See entry under Ryouga Hibiki.

Splitting Cat Hairs (Anime Only): Cologne spits herself into numerous images of herself, which enclose, and spin around, the opponent, confusing him/her so Cologne can attack.

Fist of the Ice Bear/Shark Fist: This technique involves riding an ice bear (or shark, as the manga portrays) and attacking using its power.

Cat Tongue Pressure Point Attack: This technique makes the person's body as sensitive as a cat's tongue by hitting the appropriate pressure point. Cologne used this to keep Ranma from turning back into a boy.

Mousse Pic


Style: Joketsuzoku/Secret Weapon Style

Strengths: Mousse's strength lies with the wealth of weapons he possesses in his robes and on his person. Going on the saying that "the human body is the deadliest weapon", Mousse has turned himself into a living storage house for weapons. This, combined with the fact that he is a fairly competant martial artist, makes Mousse a strong foe. Also, unlike others in the same predicament, Mousse can fight well even in his cursed Jusenkyo form as a duck.

Weaknesses: Mousse doesn't quite have the skill of the other martial artists in the series. His weapons make up for this somewhat, but not too much. Mousse also has a SLIGHT sight problem without his glasses (he's just about totally blind). If they are knocked off during the fight, he is almost helpless. Mousse also has exhibited a more distance-oriented fighting style, and has shownt hat he is weaker in close range and without weapons.

Special Techniques:

Hakuchoken (Fist of the White Swan): This technique makes it look like Mousse is hitting with just his hands, but in actuality he is hitting his opponent with a toilet trainer shaped like a swan.

Keiran-ken (Hen Egg Fist): Mousse uses bombs shaped like hen's eggs and throws them at the enemy.

Dachokyaku (Ostrich Kick): A technique that involves kicking straight up, like an ostrich, with razor sharp speed.

Takazumeken (Hawk Talon Attack): Mousse descends on his opponent with razor sharp hawk's talons attached to his feet.

Rose Firework: Mousse causes a firework to come from his arm along with a bouquet of roses. Mousse invented this techinque to try and impress Shampoo.

To Ranma 1/2 Martial Arts Summary/Analysis, part 3

Other Characters' Techniques